Davies Brothers
Sustainability Policy
1. Introduction
Davies Brothers Construction Ltd are a Company of Building Contractors Established in 1870. The main activities are Main Building Contract Projects for a wide range of County Councils, Universities, Government Bodies, Health Authorities, Commercial Clients and well respected Architectural Practices. We undertake a wide range of work including New Build, Extension and Refurbishment Projects
Davies Brothers Construction Ltd recognise that our activities have an impact on the environment and we are committed to minimise the impact through continually to improve our environmental performance
Davies Brothers Construction Ltd am is to achieve continuous improvement in our management of sustainability issues throughout the construction process from tender to completion
2. Sustainability Policy
Davies Brothers Construction Ltd will put its sustainability policy into practice by pursuing following objectives. We will :
Collaborating fully with all members of the project team to develop and adopt best practice sustainable development
Comply with the relevant legislation of the the Environmental Protection Act 1990, government guidance and industry codes of practice on environmental issues
Train staff to enhance awareness of environmental legislation, regulations, British Standards and good practice
Make efficient use of natural resources by minimising waste and conserving energy and water
Use and maintain modern and efficient modes of transport which have a reduced impact on the environment. Service vehicles and plant on a regular basis so to maintain their efficiency and again reduce impact on the environment
Keep sites and existing buildings being refurbished clean and tidy to ensure minimum disturbance and disruption to clients and their neighbours
To purchase materials from locally merchants where possible, so to reduce energy consumption
To source local labour so to reduce energy consumption
Ensure that our subcontractors and suppliers are aware of this policy and encourage them to apply a similar sustainability standards to our their own work and materials
Reconsider the replacement of transport/plant at more regular intervals which achieves minimum impact on the environment. Use of a mini-bus van to projects, instead of two vans travelling to the site
To determine how much timber waste is produced in our joinery workshop and to investigate if this can be disposed of in a more economically friendly manner
Switching off non essential electrical equipment when not in use
Reduce the amount of waste on sites, by bringing back materials to our Yard during a Contract. These to be re-used on small works and maintenance projects
Separation of waste/old materials in our Yard, eg copper and lead, to be taken to be re-cycled locally
To re-use excavated soil on other projects and to hire a mobile crusher for old bricks, so to provide hardcore on other projects
To use separate skips on sites
Ensure the Sustainability Policy is reviewed annually, documented, implemented and communicated to all employees and subcontractors
This policy was last updated on the 12th September 2024
Contact us
Our full details are:
Davies Brothers, Cross Lane, Llangollen, LL20 8HU